About admin
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Entries by admin
Do you need a guide in salina cruz
/in Salina Cruz, Surfing/by adminIt is important that you have a guide when surfing in Salina Cruz. The points in the area are only accessible by people that are a part of the surfing federation. Not only that you will be asked to leave or hire a guide on the spot. Because of that it is better to just […]
Another Good Couple of Weeks with Waves in Salina Cruz
/in Mexico, Oaxaca, Salina Cruz/by adminThe past couple of weeks we have seen great waves at all the points in Salina Cruz. The crowds have been decent and the amount of time spent in the water in maximum. Oaxaca Surf Adventures is filling up for the rest of this month. But there is still available space in September. Oaxaca Surf […]
Come Surf the Beach Breaks of Salina Cruz
/in Beach Break, Mexico, Oaxaca, Salina Cruz, Surfing/by adminFrom last week. More to come this week. Get down here. Spots available
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